It takes 2-3 minutes of your time to fill it, but if it helps to change someone's life, it's worth it!!
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Pick all that you can support Field work (Visiting the beneficiaries for distribution or Verification of various cases/requests we receive)Fund Raising (Through boxes in shops or various events or via personal contacts)Website Maintainance (Keeping the website up to date with latest activities)Poster Making (Make nice digital posters for fund raising or describing our activities or motivating charity)Content writing (Write articles/short descriptions on our activities for newspapers or social media or our website)Education Support (Mentoring students keeping them motivated or teaching or awareness of various scholarships and govt. schemes and help it reach the deserving studets)Networking (Network with other NGOs and forward/collaborate with the cases as appropriate)Short promotional Videos (Animated or Capturing the real lives to make a difference)Legal Support (Helping in getting various approvals such as 80G, Foreign fund, etc.)Other
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Weekdays- AnytimeMorningEveningNightNA
Sundays- AnytimeMorningEveningNightNA
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